What We Do

Life Skills Workshops

Jeevan Vidya: Essential Life Skills

A Jeevan Vidya workshop is an intensive 40-hour learning experience that seeks to bring one’s attention to neglected and subtle facets of life; issues related to interpersonal relations, education, society, environment, aspirations, success are discussed and participants are provided critical tools to help them explore the rich web of connections between seemingly disparate aspects. There is no sermonising; the facilitator presents sets of proposals, and helps participants bring their attention to bear on the inner workings of their thoughts, fears and aspirations. Gradually one begins to interrogate hidden assumptions and get a sharper, clearer view of the whole intricate fabric of life; one begins to see new possibilities for positive human action. The idea is to trigger an empowering, self-critical inner dialogue that begins with the workshop, but doesn’t end with it…

Custom-Designed Workshops (Currently not offered)

These are workshops usually for teachers or teacher-trainees, or NGO workers from specific organisations, conducted on request. These workshops are called 'capacity building' workshops by some people!

Contact us with your organisation's requirements.

Other Workshops & Learning Events (Currently not offered)

These are some of the workshops we have organised in the past:

(click on any of the images below to view the event poster; use your browser's 'return' arrow to return to this page):

Your Words, Your Story: Writing Workshop by Neela Vaswani